Reju Medical Tourism



Exosomes are nanoparticles that contain proteins and RNA. They can be transferred to other cells and can support tissue repair and homeostasis.

The isolation of signaling vesicles filled with growth factors and proteins among other compounds emitted by stem cells are used for treatments rather than the stem cells themselves, which is a next-generation therapy. This process makes sense since other cells react to these signals and change their behavior accordingly.

If we take stem cells from an older person and stimulate them, they produce exosomes. But a young person’s stem cells when stimulated produce many more. So age matters tremendously when it comes to number of exosomes produced.

Currently, there is a lot of research looking at exosomes for conditions like arthritis, organ failure, neurologic issues and more. In addition, they are being looked at extensively for aesthetic procedures as well.

We can see there are many anti-inflammatory cytokines that are in exosomes. The reports are showing immense anti-inflammatory response so people with autoimmune disease may see relief. This may include Lyme DZ, RA, Lupus, Psoriasis and other autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s.

In aesthetics – inflammation is created with the exosomes such as with microneedling, and then exosomes tell the cells “this is how you should be” and you end up with a much younger-looking skin by rejuvenating. Same thing with the scalp with hair restoration.

Exosomes may potentially help with systemic rejuvenation when given IV. However, they are not a treatment that will cure disease. Exosomes are being looked at as a way of “breaking the inflammatory cycle” in patients who are experiencing various types of disease.

The immediate reaction will be triggered within 24 hours. Then a delayed response where the mRNA that is inserted into the target cell and helps reprogram the cell. Usually, This takes 6 to 8 weeks with continued effects after the procedure is done.

All in all, individuals may see an effect within the first few days, then it may wear off big time after that. Then weeks afterwards, the delayed response may kick in with benefits being seen.

Treatment is individualized and some do well with a single application, while others may need multiple.

No they don’t. They are not cells. They can help other cells proliferate with the information they transfer.

There are no immune markers on the surface of exosomes. Very unlikely.



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