Reju Medical Tourism

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

How Stem Cell Treatment Can Help
People with Erectile Dysfunction

Today, much scientific evidence indicates that most cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) are the result of a blood flow problem, and secondarily due to nerve issues, hormones or psychology. Systemic diseases can lead to ED, such as atherosclerosis, aging, and diabetes, as well as lack of blood flow, nerve injury, and nitric oxide deficit.

Stem Cell Therapy is useful for treating erectile dysfunction. Stem cells work through a process of regeneration (self-renewal). This means they can make exact replicas of themselves indefinitely.

Stem cells also can differentiate into any cell that needs to be replaced or repaired. They structurally and functionally regenerate damaged tissues, depending on the signals or stimuli they receive. When injected into the body, stem cells can become a more specialized type of cells, such as cartilage, muscle, nerve, bone, or blood vessel.

Stem cells for erectile dysfunction focus on regeneration, which involves cell to cell communication. The cell to cell communication facilitates new growth of blood vessels, reduction of scar tissue, reducing cell death and other helpful repair functions.

Because stem cells can rebuild tissues and structures, they can rebuild penile blood vessels, regenerate damaged nerves, rejuvenate healthy nitric oxide receptors, and reverse scarring of the penile tissues. These abilities combined allow stem cell injections to treat erectile dysfunction.


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